An Apology to Nobody in Particular

I’m sorry for all the papers I’ve posted that nobody cares about from grad school and my undergrad days.  I wanted to keep them on my blog for posterity (and for reasons of my own as well).  From now on, I’ll be writing fresh posts that aren’t stale and outdated or academic in nature (at least not purely).

I wrote SO much more– so many random snippets, papers, poems, and rants (and even a full-length novel in thirty days… what a piece of shit)both for classes and in my own ratty old spirals– but I’d like to look ahead now– not the already created, but to what I will create.

I have so many things in mind for this blog– but one step at a time. Tomorrow is another day– and I have so many posts piled up like old logs it’s like I’ve been blogging for a year rather than for one measly day.

And I think I’ll end my blogs with what I’m currently reading.


Jose Saramago- The Cave and Maureen Corrigan– So We Read On: How The Great Gatsby Came to Be and Why it Endures

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